Graveyard Triptych, 2021, oil, acrylic, and collage on framed panel, 13x7in

Three Environments, 2020, weaving, 16x11in

Residence Time (Marine Snow), 2020, oil, acrylic, and collage on panel, 5x7in

Residence Time (Whale Fall), 2020, oil, acrylic, and collage on panel, 5x7in

Residence Time (Hydrothermal Vent), 2020, oil, acrylic, and collage on panel, 5x7in

Waterfall & Dam, 2021, oil on stretched weaving, 2021, 6x8in

Wind Index, 2021, found images, laser printed images, thread, 34x21in

Second Scroll, 2020, weaving, 7.5ftx7.5in

Pitchblende Altar, 2021, poplar, dirt, oil on panel, 25x11x11in

Hutton’s Unconformity, 2020, oil on stretched weaving, 6x4in

Backyard Scroll, 2020, naturally stained weaving, 7ftx6in